Truman State University’s 88.7 KTRM is set to introduce emerging pop artist Sir Babygirl alongside Toronto electro-pop artist Nyssa on Oct. 3. Supported solely through station fundraising, the event stands out from appearances coordinated by Truman State University-funded organizations, such as the Student Activities Board and Student Government.
While most entertainers hosted on campus are sought out by university organizations, KTRM Promotions Director Lesley Hauck explained that this event was initiated by the artist herself. Using exclusively TMN Week collections from last semester, the performance was organized for under $2,000. Hauck said this price flexibility is characteristic of a DIY, or self-made, artist.
“It’s not all about the money — it’s about bringing the music where there are fans,” Hauck says.
Hauck additionally described how the concert is drawing attention from Truman’s LGBTQ+ community. Hauck said these students have recognized Sir Babygirl’s performance of queerness through her non-binary and bisexual orientation and are excited to experience it.
“Not only is this just good music that I think anyone who enjoys a good show will enjoy, but it’s also someone who can help a lot of people who are rarely represented in our performers here on campus feel seen and represented,” KTRM Station Manager Monica Fallone said.
In an interview with Rolling Stone Magazine, Sir Babygirl portrayed herself as an artist who can convey both humor and seriousness while depicting marginalized genders. Her opener Nyssa is also known for representing a female perspective uncommon in the realm of rock and electro-glam, as stated in Now Toronto Magazine.
Though the two are newer artists with less established fan bases, Fallone said she anticipates the event to be groundbreaking in several regards.
“We’ve kind of noticed that the music that usually gets brought to Truman is from artists who people know by name but are way past their prime,” Fallone said. “We believe that just because everybody on campus might not know their name yet, it doesn’t mean we shouldn’t be getting ahead of the curve.”
Fallone and Hauck said they see the show as a means toward not only community growth, but also professional development. From Adobe Photoshop efforts in promotions to production team liners, the entire staff has had to expand upon its skills to effectively advertise the event.
“I think that this Sir Babygirl show is an opportunity to prove that when other organizations here on campus are given pretty minimal funds and those representing different groups of people are given the opportunity to put programming on, it can be successful,” Fallone said.
The concert will take place at 7 p.m. Oct. 3 in the Student Union Building Down Under 1101. Tickets can be purchased at tabling events across campus or at the door.