
SAAC votes on NCAA proposals

November 8, 2015

Truman State’s Student Athlete Advisory Committee recently conducted a meeting to review new rule changes proposed by the NCAA. In the SAAC, student athletes representing each sport voice their opinions about a variety of proposed alterations, ranging from how […]


Vending machine has new a payment option

November 7, 2015

A new credit card swipe option for vending machines on Truman State’s campus has been in place since midterm break. Jackson Brothers, the company Truman contracted for vending machines on campus, introduced a prepaid option […]


Football faces realignments

November 6, 2015

The NCAA has approved regional realignment within Div. II. Beginning during September 2017, the realignment model will reorganize football-sponsoring conferences into four super-regions based on geographic location. Truman State and the rest of the teams in the GLVC are […]