
Opinion: Group work isn’t that bad

April 1, 2016

Most students are familiar with the resounding groan that echoes throughout a classroom in response to one dreaded phrase — group project. No one wants to deal with the hassle of organizing schedules, distributing workloads and collectively meeting […]


Our View: Religious Freedom Bill

March 19, 2016

During the past few weeks we, the Index Editorial Board, have been working to answer your questions about the political process, encouraging you to become informed and getting you excited to vote and be civically engaged in the […]


Opinion: You are what you watch

March 12, 2016

There is an expression for people in this modern age — we call ourselves “media consumers.” This idea that we watch things the same way we consume food has interesting implications — so what happens when we consume […]


Our View: Lobby for Truman

March 6, 2016

Last week, a group of my fellow Truman State students and I had the opportunity to go to Jefferson City, Missouri, for Truman’s lobbying day at the Capitol. While there, I met with many members of the Missouri […]


Opinion: Feminism is about equality

February 29, 2016

Feminism gets a bad rap in today’s society. Front runners of the feminist movement such as actress Emma Watson and singer Beyoncé have tried to dispel confusion and bring a positive light to the topic. […]