Year: 2016

Health sciences professor starts Fitbit research
Brian Snyder, health and exercise science professor, and five students are conducting a semester-long study to test if the use of wearable technology can be linked to an increase in physical activity for college students. Technology can motivate people to increase their fitness according […]

New ‘Dogs join on signing day
Feb. 3 was a day thousands of student-athletes will remember forever. For high school athletes, national signing day signified not only their commitment to a future school and athletic program, but also the attainment of their lifelong dream […]

Opinion: Gray areas are crucial middle ground
“I didn’t get any sleep last night.” “Sodexo food is the worst.” “Barnett Hall is a freezer.” There is a good chance you have heard some of these expressions around campus. Although these sentences seem to have […]

Letter to the Editor: Concealed Carry forum allows students to debate
This is a letter to the editor, written by junior Trista Sullivan about the concealed carry forum. For more information about the concealed carry forum, read the article that appeared in the Feb. 18 Index. As […]

ASG hosts Isla’s Wish to Walk events
Isla’s Wish to Walk has generated attention and support from people across the state to help four-year-old Isla Grote and her family with her battle against cerebral palsy. The community in Kirksville and at Truman […]

Our View: Paino pursues passion
There is nothing quite like the feeling of losing a star player. Many of us have been there, standing in front of the television watching a press conference where a favorite ball player — whose jersey you never […]

College Republicans, Democrats team up for voter registration drive
Wednesday was the last day students were able to register to vote in Adair County if they want to vote in the Missouri presidential primaries March 15. To get students to register, the Truman State […]