
StuGov Buzz: Semester recap and future plans

December 11, 2018

Hello Bulldogs! Student Government hopes that you have all had another great semester here at the lovely Truman State University. All the snow sure puts us in a festive spirit! You can never have too much of a good thing but we are very excited for winter break. Being able to see our families again, some time off for festivities or just some time off is always appreciated, and then coming back to Truman is something to look forward to as well! […]


Our View: Don’t allow Truman to be high school 2.0

December 10, 2018

Think about the classes you took in high school. If your high school was like the standard American high school, your classes only surveyed a topic’s surface and had names like “Biology 1,” “U.S. History” or “English A.” Your curriculum probably did not feature specialized study opportunities like SOAN 452: Social Dimensions of Health and Illness or PSYC 430: Psychopharmacology: Drugs and Behavior, two actual classes offered at Truman State University next semester. While high schools provide foundational knowledge, colleges are supposed to provide a more specialized education, which translates to a greater wealth of intelligence and greater self-marketability upon graduation. […]


StuGov Buzz: Staff working to better food quality

November 25, 2018

Everyone knows about Sodexo. Similarly, everyone has an opinion, generally negative, about Sodexo and the food it provides for us students. It is true that the food is not the best, but Justin Dreslinski, General Manager for Sodexo, and others are diligently working to make the food more nutritious, locally sourced, and offer more options (like vegetarian or gluten-free). […]


Truman needs to differentiate B.S. and B.A.

November 17, 2018

No one at The Index was quite sure what to make of the news that a Bachelor of Science degree had been created for the philosophy and religion major. When deciding on a degree, the vast majority of students at any university are given a choice between two options: a Bachelor of Arts or a Bachelor of Science. At Truman State University, the options exist in many majors with little distinction between the degrees. […]


Mental health is not Truman’s responsibility

November 15, 2018

If you have picked up an issue of The Index before this very moment, you probably know mental health is a contentious issue at Truman State University. Students have been demanding mental health reform for […]


Class facilitation is a cop out

November 9, 2018

One of the most difficult things for me to accept is that class facilitations are more helpful to the students than harmful. While I understand it forces students to take ownership of their education, it comes off as more of a cop out than anything. […]


Our View: University should rethink Greenwood

November 6, 2018

Truman State University’s Board of Governors recently approved plans to hire engineers to assess replacing the Greenwood building’s windows. After the assessment, the University will move forward to spend half a million dollars from the state to replace half of the building’s windows. […]


StuGov Buzz: You’re inviTED to TEDxTrumanStateUniversity

October 30, 2018

Truman State University’s first TEDx conference, TEDxTrumanStateUniversity, is just two weeks away, and we couldn’t be more excited. TED is an internationally acclaimed, non-profit organization that hosts conferences around the world. Their conferences feature a variety of speakers who give short, powerful talks about their unique ideas and perspectives. The TED organization grants individual licenses to schools, cities, and community organizations to host their own TED-like conferences — known as TEDx — and this is what we’re bringing to Truman. Our conference has been organized entirely by students, who have been hard at work since last March to make this event a reality.



Why I’m not voting

October 28, 2018

I certainly have a right to vote, and so do people in my exact same situation. I’m just choosing not to exercise that right. My situation is special. Plenty of students at Truman will not graduate for three or four more years, are staying for graduate degrees or will decide to live in the community after their time at Truman is over. I would encourage anyone in those situations to vote. I think qualified person who permanently lives in Kirksville should vote. These decisions affect you and the people you live with. There are many people doing great work trying to register and inform as many voters as possible, and I that shouldn’t stop. […]


Our View: Counseling services hire raises questions

October 28, 2018

With the recent announcement of plans to hire a part-time psychologist, psychiatric nurse practitioner and equine therapist, Truman State University is undoubtedly taking steps to address the mental health of students, staff and faculty on campus. While the effort to address the problem is commendable, it raises numerous questions about effective, responsible and timely solutions.
