It’s difficult for me to close four years of my life in a single closing article. While I have done a lot during my time at Truman, nothing will ever compare to the time I spent in the newsroom.
I started at The Index my freshman year when I met former EIC Bethany Boyle at a bonfire. Classes hadn’t started yet, but she told me I should drop by the newsroom. Less than two weeks later, my name was printed in the paper for the first time, and the rest is history.
I’ve served as a writer, photographer, features editor, interim opinions editor, managing editor, interim sports editor, interim digital director and Editor-in-Chief. Over the years, there have been occasions when I spent more time in Barnett Hall than my own house. I have literally spent nights in the newsroom trying to perfect something I’ve poured my heart into. While I’m insanely proud of all of this, it’s the people I have worked with that truly made a difference and made the time here worth it.
To my dearest husband — thank you for handling my crazy these past four years. You have seen me at my worst and you have remained steadfast. Additionally, thanks for serving as my distribution manager (you too, Tyler!) and being willing to wake up early despite being a hater of early mornings!
To The Index’s faithful adviser, Don — I apologize now for all the hours I spent in your office and all the texts I sent whining about absolutely nothing. Thank you for always being willing to give advice and never overstepping in your role.
To former EIC, Seth Wolfmeyer — I will never pretend like I wasn’t a little bitter when you said you were leaving early. Nonetheless, you believed in me every step of the way, and you made sure I was set up for success. Thank you for empowering me during the times when I thought I couldn’t go on and for sharing in the joy of The Index with me.
To my former sports editor Rachel and former assistant editor Johanna — thank you two for being my support system that first semester as EIC. Y’all were amazing, and I don’t think I could have survived it without you. Thanks for the laughs, the pep talks and all the late nights you dedicated to this paper.
To those who have served on my Editorial Board — I’m proud, to say the least. Each and every single one of you challenged me to be a better writer, designer, editor and person. I’ve enjoyed the late nights spent laughing, eating and crying with you all. We have had some really hard nights, but you each handled it with grace, and you held me up during the hard times. You each have had such an impact on my life, and I am so grateful that you trusted me to be your leader. The truth is the greatest part of being Editor-in-Chief has been serving each of you.
To the future EIC, Ryan Pivoney — you’ve got this. I have given you a hard time the past few weeks, but the fact is I know that you will handle this position exactly as you need to. The work you have done here is profound, and I am excited to see where you lead The Index next. I have no doubt you’ll continue to improve, and I cannot wait to hear about all the awesome things you and your team accomplish.
My final note is to all those who have read this paper throughout my time here. What we sometimes fail to remember is that we wouldn’t do this if it weren’t for our readers. Thank you to all of you who took the time out of your Thursdays to not only read The Index but also continuously provide feedback. I’m not sure I was prepared for the community that I would build as Editor-in-Chief, but I leave here grateful for it.
So, with this being the last thing I’ll write for The Index, I leave you with one final piece: Stay classy, Truman!