Welcome back, Truman community! As we begin this semester, I wanted to take a moment to remind you about letters to the editor and community contributions to The Index.
One of my favorite aspects of serving as the editor-in-chief of this student-produced newspaper is hearing from the University community. From our perspective, sometimes it can feel like we’re writing for a void — the silence is deafening. However, it doesn’t have to be that way. You can do more than just read the stories or listen to the podcast — you can interact with them.
Letters to the editor are one of the best ways to connect with The Index and the larger Truman community. Whether you disagree with an opinion piece we published and want to make your perspective known, or simply want to bring an issue to public discussion, you can write a letter to the editor. Perhaps you’re reading a story in the news section that just makes you see red; let us know by writing a letter to the editor. These letters can be published, which helps facilitate student, faculty and staff voices in the community. The Index accepts letters to the editor on various topics, but be sure to review the letter policy and procedure below before sitting down to write your piece.
The process of submitting a letter to the editor is fairly straightforward. To be considered for publication, letters must be submitted by noon the Sunday before publication and are subject to grammar, spelling and punctuation upon receipt. Upon submission, the letter also becomes The Index’s property, which allows us to print the piece — don’t worry, you’ll still receive credit as the author. Anonymous letters to the editor will not be published. For the complete policy, check out this page.
We are always accepting letters to the editor and feedback of any kind. If we’re not reporting accurately, please let us know. If there’s a story you think we should be looking into, feel free to complete the online form or contact our media heads and editors directly. We also welcome feedback via social media, so feel free to message The Index’s social media accounts on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. While you’re there, feel free to interact with posts and stories that catch your eye.
We are looking forward to continuing coverage on the stories that matter most to you this semester and, hopefully, more interaction with the community. We’re here to serve you, so if there’s anything more we can do, just let us know.