The semester is off to a great start! We met Monday, Jan. 18, for our first meeting of the semester, where we appointed Joshua Grandstaff as a member of the Academic Affairs Committee and Colleen O’Reilly as PR Director. We also talked about the LGBTQ+ Resource Center, which now has a confirmed space. A lot of items from the registry have been donated, which we are extremely grateful for, and if we stay on the same pace, the Center should be up and functioning this semester. Additionally, the Environmental Affairs Committee will be distributing campus cups very soon, likely through the women’s resource center, so if you filled out the form last semester, keep an eye out for updates.
At our last meeting of the fall semester, we appointed Maddie Niemeier as Academic Fee Accountability Chairperson, and we’re very excited to work with her this semester. At that meeting, we also passed Resolution 121.008, A Resolution Recommending Truman Raise the Institutional Wage, Resolution 121.009, A Resolution Amending Election Procedures in the Governing Documents of the Student Government, and approved a slate of candidates for Student Representative to the Board of Governors. The Student Representative to the Board of Governors is a nonvoting member of the board, and they are appointed by the governor for a two-year term. The candidates are Ella Schnake and John Eritreo, and we’re confident that either of them would be a great choice for this position.
We always love hearing from you! All of our members are available to contact, and the doors to our meetings are always open. Meetings are Sundays at 5 p.m. in the SUB conference room.