Hello, my name is Ethan Kershaw and I am the current vice president of Student Government. Sadly, my term will be up in just two weeks and I plan to study abroad in the fall semester so I will not be pursuing reelection. However, I encourage everyone to run, but especially to vote in our upcoming elections. Tomorrow, April 1, is the filing deadline so I imagine most people that are running are already on the ballot, but if you still want to run contact our Elections Administrator Owen Smith for more information at stugovelectionsadmin@truman.edu. Online voting will take place next week from 8 a.m. Monday, April 4, to 4 p.m. Friday, April 8, so be sure to cast your vote for the next president, vice president and senators. Just go to vote.truman.edu on those days to access the ballot by logging in with your Truman State email and password.
Now that I’ve said my bit on elections, I would like to say that it was a great experience to serve as the Student Government’s vice president. I had the privilege of working with many great students, staff and faculty members to improve Truman State University and the student experience here. My time in office sure has flown by — or felt like it would never end, depending on the day — and I look forward to seeing what the next body will accomplish. Please be sure to contact the Student Government email: studentgovernment@truman.edu with any questions or concerns that you may have as a student and we will work to advocate for you!