Diversity Week is coming up and it is going to be great! The theme for this year is life experiences. Kicking off Diversity Week on March 21 is Symone Sanders. She is going to be speaking on women making a difference in Ophelia Parrish Performance Hall at 6-8 pm. Center for Diversity and Inclusion will be hosting this event. On March 22 University Career Center will be hosting Working Around the World in the SUB Alumni Room at 6-8 pm. Here you can learn about what it takes to get a job outside of your own home country. On March 25 we will be having a Disabilities Panel in the SUB Activities Room at 6-8 pm to start a discussion on campus about misconceptions regarding people who have a disability. On March 26 test your hip hop knowledge with Hip Hop Trivia in the SUB Activities Room at 6:30-8 pm. On March 27 join us for an Inclusion and Mental Health Discussion in the SUB Activities Room 6-8 pm. This is a chance for everyone to hear what others are thinking regarding mental health. Finally, on March 28 the movie “Pariah” will be shown in the SUB Activities Room at 6:30-8 pm. Don’t forget to bring pillows and blankets so you can get extra cozy.