Happy November from Student Government! Student Government works all year to provide projects and policies for the students of Truman State University through its various committees. A subcommittee under Student Government is the Purple Friday committee. This committee works to bring spirit to Truman and support those that show their Truman pride every Friday. A common slogan around campus is “Every Friday is a Purple Friday at Truman!” The Purple Friday committee works to support this phrase by having a table around campus every Friday. At this table, students, faculty and staff can pick up free candy and various stationary items. Once a month, the Purple Friday committee plans events to get students even more excited about Truman. This year during Homecoming, Purple Friday celebrated the upgraded fountain on The Mall by providing free popcorn with the help of Spike! Later in the semester, we will have free cookies, free hot chocolate and a day to celebrate summer in December for the last day of classes before finals. A new addition this year is our Bulldog Shoutout. Students and faculty are encouraged to fill out the short survey of fun questions to be featured on Student Government social media. Check out Student Government on social media if you are interested in the Purple Friday schedule for the rest of the semester!
If you are interested in getting involved with Student Government, have an idea for us to pursue or just want to chat more, please reach out to us at studentgovernment@truman.edu. Don’t forget, we meet at 5 p.m. every Sunday in SUB 3000 and all of our meetings are open to the general public.
Twitter and Instagram @tsustugov
Facebook @TSUstudentgovernment