Hello Bulldogs! My name is Jared Kolok, and I currently have the honor of serving as the Speaker of Student Senate. One of my main responsibilities in this role is to serve as elections administrator for our fall and spring elections. As the fall semester continues to pick up speed, we on Student Government are anxiously awaiting our upcoming elections! Student Government is here to serve the best interests of the student body, and we cannot do this without a passionate group of people on our body.
All students can get involved in the excitement of our fall elections! The election season began this Monday with the release of our election handbook. You may see students across campus requesting signatures for their petitions to be placed on the ballot — be sure to sign their petitions and talk to them about their goals. There are four incoming senator and ten voting senator positions up for election this year. We already have seen a tremendous amount of interest and enthusiasm, so we are looking forward to an exciting election cycle!
If you would like to run for office, petitions are available until Friday, Sept. 6, when they are due to Union and Involvement Services in the SUB Hub by 4 p.m. Prior to this deadline, students with approved petitions may campaign by hanging posters across campus, posting on social media pages, speaking to organizations and more. On Monday, Sept. 9 the election will officially start at 8 a.m. at vote.truman.edu. We encourage all students to vote in the general election! Voting will conclude on Thursday, Sept. 12 at 10 a.m. At noon the same day, we will announce the election results either in the SUB Hub or outside the SUB, depending on the weather.
I wish the best of luck to everyone running for office. We are so excited to administer elections and would love to answer any questions you might have about Student Government. You can contact me at jtk7741@truman.edu with any questions pertaining to elections, or reach out with any general Student Government questions at studentgovernment@truman.edu.