Student Government would like to extend a warm thank you to everyone who participated in fall elections! The fall semester seems to truly be in full swing for Student Government now that we have a full body. We were so excited to welcome 12 new Voting and Incoming Senators and many more Associate Senators to our body following a successful election, and had a great time introducing them to their positions in our annual fall retreat. Truman alumnus Senator Scott Sifton, former Student Government President in 1995-1996, came to our retreat and delivered an inspiring talk about the importance of our work not just in the present moment, but also for future generations of Truman students. It was incredible to hear about the projects that he worked on decades ago and to discuss their impact on us today. This truly put our work into perspective, and sparked even more passion among our members to continue our hard work across campus.
If you are interested in being a part of these efforts to leave a lasting impact on campus, consider applying to be the next Student Representative to the Board of Governors! The Board of Governors is the University’s highest policy-making body, charged with the important role of setting policy and providing guidance for the University. The Board is composed of 10 members, one of which is a non-voting student representative. The Student Representative plays a crucial role in representing the student body to this board and in representing the student body on University policy issues such as tuition, student fees, personnel, and construction projects. If interested, applications are due by 5 p.m. Oct. 9. Any questions can be directed to trumanstatesenate.bog@gmail.com. Please note that all applicants must be residents of the state of Missouri, and must also be able to commit to serving a two-year term in this position.
If you are interested in getting involved with Student Government in a different way, have an idea for us to pursue or just want to chat more, please reach out to us at studentgovernment@truman.edu.