As a student with dyslexia, I need as much help as possible when it comes to academics here at Truman State University. I have used the Writing Center, tutoring services and I frequent my professors’ office hours, however, I have come to realize that other students do not use these academic resources as much as they should.
Every semester during syllabus week professors announce their office hours and almost beg students to come in, but they often sit in their offices alone during that time. The Writing Center, located in the Kirk Building, is seldom used unless a certain class requires students to have their papers edited there. Tutoring services are also left unused unless they’re is required by a class.
The trouble with the “typical Truman student” is that student was most likely deemed “gifted” sometime in their educational career. Now studies, like Joan Freeman’s 2013 study, are coming out saying that the classification of “gifted” is almost more harmful than it is helpful, with the long-term psychological effects being scrutinized. One of the side effects of being “gifted” is the pride that comes with the title, and that pride makes it harder to ask for help. We can agree that no matter how intelligent the “typical Truman student” is, we all need to ask for help from time to time.
Do not be afraid to ask for help — the resources are put there for a reason. The “typical Truman student” is usually one of the most hardworking and intelligent students in their high school, and while that was true in high school, at Truman we are held to a different standard and we cannot be afraid to ask for assistance when we need it.
Coming to Truman with dyslexia has been challenging, but the resources offered here have been a life saver. However, you do not have to have a diagnosed learning disability to access tutoring, office hours or the Writing Center. These resources are in place to help all students, so please take advantage of them!