Student elections for Truman State University ended at 10 a.m. on Tuesday. Results were announced at noon.
The winners of the elections are as follows.
President and Vice President
- President junior Keaton Leppanen, Vice President sophomore Deanna Schmidt
Senior Senator
- Senior Sarah Holtmeyer
Student Senator
- Freshman Sam Tillman
- Freshman Adam Paris
- Sophomore Kathleen Placke
- Senior Joe Slama
- Freshman Adam Barker
- Freshman Caleb DeWitt
- Sophomore Katie Alexander
- Sophomore Caroline Costello
- Sophomore Jared Kolok
- Freshman Kaylee Jacobson
- Freshman Rachel Holt
- Sophomore Hannah Wissler
Student Representative to the FAC
- Junior Sarah Connolly
FAC Chair
- Junior Kristen Schepker
Ballot Issues
- Yes on Athletic Fee Rules Change 1: “I support that beginning in the 2018-2019 academic year, the Athletic Fee may allocate up to 10% of short-term project funding to projects proposed by non-intercollegiate athletics, with the potential of an additional 5% of short-term project funding with a ⅔ approval vote of the Athletic Fee Accountability committee.”
- Yes on Athletic Fee Rules Change 2: “I support that beginning in the 2018-2019 academic year, the Athletic Fee should keep 3% of the short-term project funding in reserve for any necessary additional funding of projects.”
- Yes on Student Health Fee Change: “I support raising the Student Health Fee by $10 per semester, to total $37 per semester, to increase access to psychological and/or psychiatric care through University Counseling Services.”
- Approval of changes to the Constitution of Student Government
Students can view the original ballot at vote.truman.edu.