New board members bring new focuses to the Student Government, and this year, the issue at the top of StuGov President Marcia Humphreys’ list is inclusion.
Humphreys said she tends to gravitate more towards people with a background different from her own. This includes international students, many of whom have trouble making housing and meal plans during breaks Humphreys said. One of the reasons Humphreys wanted the presidency was because she would listen to voices and enact change that was usually ignored.
“Everyone in StuGov has personal projects. That’s the reason many join. We get to work on getting issues higher up,” Humphreys said.
Voting senator Zoe Walker also hopes to bridge some gaps between StuGov and other organizations on campus. Walker said she has noticed a lack of communication between StuGov and black organizations. With the clubs working more closely, Walker thinks the organizations can benefit each other.
Student Government is supposed to represent the people, and Humphrey’s thinks some voices are heard more than others.
The office hours are supposed to foster open communication between committees within StuGov, but also a time for students to speak one-on-one with a member. Humphreys said the logistics and actual office hours are still being developed, but will be worth the wait.
The organization will be working on office hours in the SUB Down Under.
“Our window is close by the SAB window, but I don’t think many people know we’re there,” Humphreys said.
This whole story feels very one-sided but idk if I can find anyone who has an actual negative view of stugov. Or at least would be willing to put their opinion in the paper.