Adair County voters in Kirksville elected Zac Burden, Jessica Parks and Chuck Long to the City Council Tuesday. The county as a whole also passed the ballot initiative to impose a $1 monthly fee on all devices capable of contacting emergency services.
Adair County clerk Sandra Collop said there was a 23.3% voter turnout in Adair County, meaning 3,324 of 14,246 registered voters participated in the election. In Kirksville, 1,719 of the total 9,128 registered voters participated.
Of the eight candidates, Burden won the most votes with 1,051 and will serve a three-year term on the Council. Parks got the second most votes with 944 and will also serve a three-year term, while Long received the third most votes at 772 and will serve a one-year term.
Burden, who was at the courthouse when the results were announced, said he did not expect to get the most votes, but he is excited to work with the rest of the Council in the future.
“I’m really pleased with everyone’s support,” Burden said. “I’m really glad to see so many people running for this position and talking about a positive direction for Kirksville. I think we’re going to see some pretty amazing stuff moving forward, and I look forward to the job ahead.”
The ballot initiative was passed with 53.91% in support. The proposition allows the money created from the tax to go toward funding emergency 911 services throughout the county.
Kirksville residents also voted for Dianthe T. Cable and Elizabeth Clark to serve three-year terms on the Adair County Nursing Home Board of Directors. Cable received 2,149 of the county-wide votes and Clark received 1,885. Valerie Johnson, getting 718 votes, was the only candidate to not gain a seat in this race.