Truman State students and faculty members are traveling to Des Moines for the Iowa Caucuses this weekend. 28 students will travel across the state of Iowa Jan. 30 through Feb. 2, attending campaign events of presidential candidates.
Some students will focus their efforts on media coverage of the events. These students are official members of the press while at the caucuses, representing the Truman Media Network and the Northeast Missouri area.
Other students will also be conducting political communication research while at the caucuses. They will be looking into the correlation between candidate rhetoric and the issues voters think are most important.
Students will be sharing live updates via their social media accounts using the hashtag #TrumaninIowa.
The media reports and live coverage from students will be available on the Truman Media Network website, tmn.truman.edu, throughout the trip. Additionally, students will give live updates on KTRM 88.7 the Edge on Sunday evening at 5 pm and Monday starting at 6 pm and throughout the rest of the evening. Recap of the coverage will also appear in the Feb. 4 edition of the Truman State Index and TMN Television.