Truman’s States Newest Athletic Director Signe Coombs taking a full analysis of Bulldog Athletics

Truman State University announced the new athletic director Signe Coombs Dec. 31, 2024. Coombs worked as the senior associate director of athletics and senior woman administrator at Georgia Southwestern State University before coming to Truman State, bringing experience in both coaching sports and the administrative side of athletics.

Coomb’s began her duties Feb. 1, and she entered the position with a plan to revitalize the athletics department using the four C’s in building a program, character, classroom, coaching and competitive success.

“When we are doing those top three C’s very well, winning is a byproduct,” Coombs said. “What we are going to focus on going forward is to provide a great student athlete experience.”

Coombs’ predecessor Jerry Wollmering retired from the University as the longest serving athletic director in University history as he worked as athletic director for 25 years. Kevin White, the director of athletics communication, clarified why Wollmering left the University and went to work for the University of Northern Iowa.

“Missouri has a rule of 80 and out,” White said. “When your years of service and age equal 80 you are eligible to retire in Missouri in higher education.” 

Wollmering had reached that number and decided to work closer to home in Iowa where he could receive the retirement benefits while also working with a different university to receive Medicare. During Wollmering’s tenure, he oversaw the University’s transition from the Mid-America Intercollegiate Athletics Association to the Great Lakes Valley Conference. Coombs — who worked as an assistant at Missouri University of Science and Technology — said she was happy to be back in the GLVC with Truman State. 

Coombs was selected through a nation-wide search, and University student athletes seem to approve of the new athletic director as the Student Athlete Advisory Committee decorated her office prior to her arrival with balloons and streamers. Coombs said she would continue to review the current state of Truman Athletics before deciding what was best for the University.