
Latin Mass comes to NEMO

February 12, 2016

The Latin Mass Society of Northeast Missouri, in conjunction with the Truman State Catholic Newman Center, is bringing the traditional Latin Mass to Novinger, Missouri, during the next five months. Three Mass services, hosted at St. Rose Catholic Church in Novinger, […]

At Home & Abroad

Picky Eating and a Language Barrier

February 8, 2016

Upon arriving in Graz, I was beyond hungry. Fifteen hours of hunger mixed with airplane “food” left me in dire need of an appetizing meal. After settling in at my flat, I decided to go […]

Iowa Caucus Coverage

Nurses endorse Sanders for president

February 6, 2016

One group endorsing Sen. Bernie Sanders and campaigning for him in Iowa is National Nurses United, the largest nurses union in the United States. During the days leading up to the caucus, this organization worked […]