Two Truman State students have died since August 8, with one death taking place early last Saturday morning.
Sophomores Alex Mullins and Jacob Hughes were found dead in separate incidents on Aug. 8 and 27, respectively. Both Mullins and Hughes were active members of Alpha Kappa Lambda fraternity.
Lou Ann Gilchrist, Vice President for Student Affairs, sent email notices to the Truman community in the days following both deaths. Following Hughes’ more recent death last weekend, Gilchrist explained the resources available to students at the University Health Center and University Counseling Services. Students can call and schedule an appointment with UCS at 660-785-4014, and UCS Crisis Counselors are available after hours by calling 660-665-5621.
In the most recent email, Gilchrist also encouraged students to take care of themselves in the wake of these events, and to talk with faculty and staff who would be willing to share their perspectives regarding positive ways to cope with grief and uncertainty.
According to the email, Student Affairs — in collaboration with Greek Life — will host a series of activities to explore the topics of grief, supporting others and positive psychology. UCS will host an open house, where students can stop in and meet UCS counselors, from 5:30-7 p.m. Sept. 1 at the Counseling Center, located in the McKinney Building. According to the email, UCS will provide information about grieving, self-care, support resources and mental health screenings. Students will also have an opportunity to share their thoughts and memories of Hughes, according to the same email.
TMN will provide more information as it becomes available.