Seeing the reports of stolen property, like the vehicle stolen from campus Monday morning, which is covered in this issue on page one, raises the question of how the University could prevent this. Truman State University is currently looking to add more security cameras to campus buildings and parking lots but will not be completed next fall semester. We, The Index Editorial Board, believe these security cameras are coming too late.
There have been years of theft on this campus, and the University community would have benefited from the increase of security cameras a long time ago.
So many of our students worry about walking home at night, and we might feel safer with increased security. One of the editors’ had to work with DPS about a hit-and-run situation in an on-campus lot. Unfortunately, that parking lot had no cameras so they were left with no evidence besides a dented bumper.
The push for more security cameras seems more to protect the University than students, which raises the question of why Truman is just now investing in more security cameras. If they genuinely cared about the campus community, they would have installed security cameras a long time ago.
More transparency from DPS would also go a long way to making the campus feel safe. It seems as if the University only sends crime alert emails when it impacts the University, and not just students. More emails from DPS would ensure that those on and off campus are aware of incidents.