Detours magazine is a travel magazine produced by students at Truman State University. It focuses on the tri-state area of Missouri, Iowa and Illinois. It was first published in 1996 and features little-known treasures throughout the Midwest. The following list comprises some of the awards the magazine has received since its inception.
2016: The Associated Collegiate Press awarded Detours the Magazine Pacemaker Award.
2015: The College Media Advisers named Detours the 4th “Best of Show” Feature Magazine in the country for its annual Apple Awards.
2012: The Society of Professional Journalists named Detours “Best Magazine” in the region.
2010: The College Media Advisers named Detours “Best General Interest Magazine” in the country for its annual Apple Awards. Also, Detours was named “Best Feature Magazine” at the Associated Collegiate Press and College Media Advisers National College Media Convention.
2008: Detours won a “Magazine Pacemaker Finalist Award” from the Associated Collegiate Press.
2007: The College Media Advisers named Detours “Best General Interest Magazine” in the country for its annual Apple Awards.
2006: The College Media Advisers named Detours “Best General Interest Magazine” in the country for its annual Apple Awards. Also, Detours received a Pacemaker for its Spring 2006 issue.