
Move-in Day

January 26, 2021

This is the latest in TMN staff writer Allison Maschoff’s collection of short fiction stories. When Asher and Noah Brown decided to move out of their parents’ house and get one of their own, the […]


Movies to look forward to this year

January 20, 2021

“Cherry”: Who doesn’t love Tom Holland? This crime drama follows a former Army medic suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder and drug addiction who turns to robbing banks as a way to fund his habit. This […]


Chaos and Calm

January 20, 2021

This is the latest in TMN staff writer Allison Maschoff’s collection of short fiction stories. Two sisters stood on the doorstep of their childhood home, fully grown and only partially ready to depart. They had […]


Alumnus finds success with liberal arts

December 7, 2020

In 2000, Brian Clever graduated from Truman State University. Since graduating from Truman, Cleaver started his own content agency, Bclever Creative, in 2016. He started Bclever Creative after being let go during a merge. His […]

Arts & Entertainment

DIY winter ornaments

December 2, 2020

If you celebrate Christmas, you might already be thinking about giving gifts safely amidst a pandemic. Even if you don’t celebrate Christmas, these ornaments make great wintertime decorations, as well as a great winter break […]


The Myth of the Flowers

November 23, 2020

This is the latest in TMN staff writer Allison Maschoff’s collection of short fiction stories. Once upon a time, Demeter saw her first rainbow. The colors burst across the sky, blending and dancing above her. […]