The first day of classes is fast approaching and one thing we can all expect are those classroom icebreakers — questions like, “If you were an egg, what type of egg would you be?” They’re not exactly the type of questions that are going to start lifelong friendships. Maybe they could potentially do that, but in my experience those types of relationships begin more often outside of the classroom.
Choosing to get involved in organizations on campus during my freshman year is something I am extremely proud of. You, as a freshman, will probably be told over and over how important it is to get involved. What you don’t always get told is why. For me, the number one reason that I am happy I got involved is that I now have strong support groups.
Clubs and organizations on campus are great at fostering friendships, because those superficial conversations, like classroom icebreakers, are not so much a part of them. Sure each club might have something similar, but those first conversations you have are rooted in the common interest — the reason you approached that club or organization.
The relationships I have formed through clubs and organizations on campus have been invaluable for me when school or life is getting difficult to handle on my own. They also provide me with people to share my successes with. When I found out that I received a prestigious scholarship I was sitting in the Truman Media Network office and my Index coworkers were the first people to know. They celebrated with me and were happy for my accomplishment. It’s moments like that when I realize how glad I am to be a part of The Index staff.
You don’t have to join TMN, although we would love to have you on our team, but finding a club or organization at college where you can build that support system can change your entire college experience for the better.