This Letter to the Editor was submitted by alumna Robyn Haug.
To Whom it May Concern:
I am writing today as a high school English teacher and proud alumna of Truman State University. My husband and I both attended the university, and as I begin to look at colleges with my 11th grade daughter, Truman is at the top of her list. Truman is a place that allowed me to grow into an intelligent, compassionate, concerned member of society. I am involved as a debate coach where I teach, and those skills for impassioned and logical rhetoric were honed at Truman State University. I am thankful that it was a place that valued education, tradition, and excellence.
It has come to my attention recently that budget cuts have led to a decision to cut printing costs for an important Truman tradition. The Index is something that I remember from my time there over twenty years ago. There was just something about grabbing a paper and relaxing with it in the dorms or at the run-down house that I inhabited with friends. These are quintessential memories of college in Kirksville. In a time where my high school students sit stony faced in front of computers or phones, it saddens me to think that we cannot find a place for the printed word at our higher level institutions. I understand that budgets need to be cut, but there must be a way to do that without removing a key community connection like The Index.
I believe that even in a changing world, there is still a place for the printed word. Many people still choose to buy a book at a bookstore instead of the kindle version. Many people still grab for that magazine in the grocery line rather than seeing the stories as they scroll through Twitter. We still need printed material to take us away from screens and back to the roots of the written word. I urge you to reconsider your decision and continue the fantastic traditions of excellence that Truman State University is known for.
Robyn Haug
Class of 1997