We are super excited to welcome all of the new students to campus, and the returning students as well! Over the summer, Student Government has been planning out some projects for this year, such as continuing to develop the LGBTQ+ Resource Center, planning for Truman Week, getting our budget put together and getting ready for elections.
Our first general body meeting of the year will be Sunday Aug. 28 at 5 p.m in the conference room on the third floor of the Student Union Building. Anyone who is interested in Student Government is welcome to come.
We will be having elections in September for Incoming Senators, Voting Senators, Senior Senators, and a Graduate Senator. More information about elections will be posted on the Student Government Instagram page when it gets closer to the elections.
We also have quite a few open positions that students can apply for. These positions include IT Director, Legislative Director, Diversity and Inclusion Committee Chair, Health, Wellness and Safety Committee Chair, Student Affairs Committee Chair, Purple Friday Committee Chair and others. If you have any questions about applying for one of these positions or about Student Government in general, please email Kennedy Cooper at kkc8132@truman.edu.
We will also be tabling throughout Truman Week, so if you see our table stop by!