Four years is not very long, and it’s hard to pack everything you want to do into your college experience. From climbing the trees to hanging out in the Kirk gym, there are a lot of things that should be on your graduation bucket list. While upperclassmen might recommend things to do before graduation, there is not, to my knowledge, a set checklist. We have reached out on social media to see what fellow Truman students had to say.
Here is our Truman Bucket list, in no specific order.
- Climb the tree in front of Blanton, Nason and Brewer — Or any tree, for that matter. There are some beautiful arbors out there. Give into your inner child and take a climb.
- See a sunrise from the stadium — Stokes Stadium isn’t just for football, you know. Grab a couple friends, a few lawn chairs and a cup of coffee, and spend your morning gazing at the eastern sky.
- Cry in every professor’s office — Embrace your inner #TypicalTrumanStudent and care way too much about your grade. Professors love it when they make you cry. When you get less than a 98 percent on a test, let the tears flow.
- Climb the Bell Wall — I’m not entirely certain what you would accomplish by doing this, but I just want to be able to say I did. I’ve never actually seen anyone climb the wall, but I have seen pictures of people on top of it, and I have wanted to do it ever since.
- Go to every Truman sporting event EVER — Obviously, you can’t go to every event, but you should try. And don’t limit yourself to Div. II GLVC sports — go to intramurals, too. Support your fellow students doing what they’re passionate about.
- Get a good night’s sleep — For me, at least, all-nighters are all too common, and my trash can is littered with coffee grounds and energy drink cans. Eight hours is how long students spend in superlab, but it’s not how long many students spend sleeping. Try, at least once, to go to bed at a decent hour.
- Take a walk in the Sunken Garden — Everyone knows the Truman lore — have your first kiss in the Sunken Garden and you’ll be together forever. Now, I don’t know about all that, but I do know that it’s a well-kept garden and a great background for Instagram posts. Grab a friend or grab your life partner, and spend an afternoon soaking it in.
- Set up a hammock on The Quad — Kirksville winters can get pretty rough, but once the end of April rolls around, and the snow begins to melt, there are a couple pleasant weeks. Take a break from your studies, grab a book or play some music and forget about all those final papers you have to write.
- Actually, be in college forever — Your college years are the best years of your life, right? There’s no need to rush them. So go ahead, take a victory lap — or two. Enjoy the rest of your time at Truman — adventure is out there!