
Our View: Inclusivity is not political

November 18, 2020

Despite what our current political environment might say, being inclusive is not a political statement. Hate speech does not belong anywhere in meaningful rhetoric and every person with a logical, research-based, intelligent argument belongs at […]


COVID-19 cases surge in Adair County

November 18, 2020

Over the past few weeks, COVID-19 cases have sharply increased in Adair County. Meanwhile, at Truman State University, cases have remained fairly steady.  As of Nov. 17, there were 168 active cases of COVID-19 and […]


Homecoming carries on despite COVID-19 pandemic

November 12, 2020

 This year, Homecoming was a bit different because of COVID-19. Some changes included virtual and socially distanced activities. Homecoming celebrations took place Oct. 18-24. Originally, the University announced Homecoming was not going to happen this […]