By now, most students have heard of Ameren’s proposed Mark Twain Transmission Line. The power line, which would cut across the land of many of our neighbors in Northeast Missouri, has made the local papers, radio stations, and television news for the past year. This line would take land from farmers, expose them to high voltages that have been linked to higher rates of leukemia, reduce their land values and require the clearing of forests.
I have been involved with Neighbors United, the community organization in opposition to this project, since its beginning. I have heard countless stories of those who would be affected, and have grown to despise the disrespect with which Ameren seems to treat them. This line would surely make Ameren more money (as if its pockets weren’t already lined). It would also surely wreck the land and landscapes of northeast Missouri and greatly interfere with peoples’ lives and livelihoods.
On Tuesday, Oct. 20, there was an informational discussion with members of Neighbors United on Truman’s campus. On Oct. 19 and 20 there were also informational tables in the SUB. Next week is the last of three Public Service Commission hearings, hosted on our campus on Oct. 27 at 6 pm in the Student Union Building, room 3200. There, members of the public will tell their stories and take a stand on this issue. You can visit Neighbors United’s website at www.neighborsunitednemo.com for more information. Truman students are encouraged to attend if for no other reason than to educate themselves on this issue. If you are against the project, please wear red to show your support for Neighbors United. And if you feel so inclined, put your name on a list as you arrive so that you can have 3-5 minutes of undivided attention to speak up for people over profit.
Chloe Jackson