Our View: Time to start preparing for winter weather

It’s beginning to look like another cold Kirksville winter. It will be the first for many, or at least the first time many students will trek up the hills of Barnett Hall or across the icy Quad to get to in-person classes. We, the Index Editorial Board, think the time is upon us to begin preparing for Kirksville winter. As many students prepare to go home for Thanksgiving, which is coming up sooner than you may think, now is the perfect time to begin the preparation for the cold months.  

While many people have inevitably noticed a wind chill with average lows for October being around 42 degrees Fahrenheit, according to usclimatedata.com. The days of 30s, 19s and 15s will soon be an unavoidable problem in November, December and January, respectively.  Moreover, while an average of zero inches of snowfall for October is expected according to Perdue climate data, now would be a good time to prepare all the necessary supplies for the expected 6 inches of snow in January. 

More experienced Kirksvillians can attest that the most brutal part of Kirksville winters is not the temperature, but rather the wind chill. Because of the flat landscape of northeast Missouri and the proximity to large bodies of water, wind can often sweep in and cut right through an unsuspecting student. My student adviser’s advice freshman year was to invest in a reliable nylon or leather winter coat or a windbreaker. This is more combative against penetrating wind than even multiple layers of cotton can be. 

Many people find that their saving grace when it comes to the constant traveling to and from home and class, from harsh deep snow to warm, cozy home is socks, socks and more socks. No one wants to sit around in cold wet socks after a long lecture, but the constant walks to and fro can run through your sock supply very quickly if any snow gets into your boots, requiring multiple changes a day. This means students should probably be more grateful for receiving socks this holiday season. 

For commuters, the anticipated snow may be of concern because of the city’s mandate of tenants needing to remove snow from their property within 24 hours or pay a fine. For those looking to avoid incurring any additional charges during the duration of their college stay, that means purchasing a snow shovel and a reliable pair of boots may be a worthwhile investment.

However, for those who have yet to experience a Kirksville winter, it is not all doom and gloom. Students typically find solace in walking past the snowmen and snowwomen in the courtyards of the residence halls. The annual tradition of students using sleds, cardboard or whatever else they can get their hands on to go down the hills of campus is often a popular activity. If that is not your thing, then just keep the road salt and fluffy socks on hand for bunkered down Netflix nights.