StuGov Buzz 2/17

The Missouri General Assembly is in the process of redrawing legislative districts, and they recently released maps of how the districts are predicted to look. The new Missouri General Assembly map allows more of the area around Kirksville to be included in District 3. While this is not a huge move, it is enough to make District 3 more competitive, which is why Student Government’s External Affairs Committee is focusing heavily on voter registration this semester. Most students at Truman State University don’t realize they can register to vote from their dorm room — and they should. Getting an absentee ballot can be a difficult process, and there are a lot of hoops that you have to jump through to submit it — such as getting your ballot notarized. Registering to vote on campus is an easy process — you can do it online or on paper in about five minutes — and it will make election day much easier. To register to vote, visit, stop by the StuGov office or visit us at one of our upcoming voter registration drives.

Besides voter registration, External Affairs will also be pursuing Truman at the Capitol — a program where student senators lobby for bills that are expected to benefit the University and the City of Kirksville. Students will meet with the University’s lobbyist to learn more about the bills that the University supports and work toward improvement of Truman.