COVID-19 has definitely changed the way we think about most of our social activities. While we can’t gather in huge crowds or throw giant parties to celebrate the season, there are plenty of socially-distanced activities to enjoy this fall — just don’t forget your mask!
Jump into a leaf pile: COVID-19 doesn’t stop the falling of the leaves, and it won’t stop you from playing in them! If you enjoyed jumping into piles of leaves as a kid, grab a rake — or use your hands — and make yourself a pile. You’re never too old to enjoy the simple things in life.
Go through a corn maze: Corn mazes aren’t just for kids! Purposefully becoming lost is a universal appeal. Urban Gardens; Pumpkin Patch & Corn Maze in Kirksville and Jackson Country Connection in La Plata are some local attractions that will stretch your mental muscles as you try to escape.
Roast s’mores: Although you can’t have a big bonfire party like in falls past, grab your roommates, your masks and some s’more fixings and head to Thousand Hills State Park to make use of their grills.Warm your fingers, your marshmallows and your spirits around a tiny fire with a small group of friends.
Go to an orchard or pumpkin patch: One of the best parts of fall is the produce that comes into season as the leaves change color. Take a trip to a local pumpkin patch or orchard! There are several local farms near Kirksville, including Urban Gardens; Pumpkin Patch & Corn Maze in Kirksville, Jackson Country Connection in La Plata and West Orchards in Macon.
Enjoy the crisp fall air: Sometimes the simplest pleasures are the most satisfying. With autumn weather comes clean, fresh air, so be sure to take advantage by getting out for a walk with a friend, your coziest sweater and your favorite tunes. Taking a break from the bustle of the semester with a peaceful walk is a great way to recharge your mental batteries.
Throw a pumpkin painting party: The best part of finding the perfect pumpkin, whether at the local orchard or from the grocery store, is decorating it. Head outside with some friends for a socially-distanced pumpkin party, or paint and carve over Zoom. However you show off your art skills, be sure to display that pumpkin proudly.