Are you thinking about rocking a totally Truman costume for Halloween this year? Fear not, TMN has you covered. So, you might be thinking, “What exactly does a #TypicalTrumanStudent wear to a Halloween party?” We were, too, so we started asking around, and got some pretty TTS responses. Here’s what’s hot to wear this Halloween in Kirksville.

1. Reveal your inner Sodexo worker swag.
I’ve actually witnessed someone in full Sodexo worker garb at a costume party and it was pretty spectacular. All you need to do is borrow a shirt or hat from a friend, and you will be good to go. This is a great option for anyone looking for a last-minute costume.
2. Dress as a well-fed Kirksville squirrel.
This only works if you add some bulk in the form of pillows under a groutfit — gray outfit — to show how much leftover Sodexo food you have consumed to prepare for the winter. Finish by attaching a giant tail to yourself.
3. Be the (not so) Eternal Flame.
Despite its name, the “flame” next to Kirk Memorial’s eternal nature is dubious — it’s almost never burning. All you need to do is put together a patchwork construction paper flame collage and then cover it up. Or just dress in black, which might be more appropriate.
4. Play the part of the failing student (As if you don’t already).
Just smear some mascara down your face as evidence of all the tears you’ve shed for this semester’s grades, and then tape a piece of paper with a large, red “F” on it onto your forehead.

5. Dress like your favorite professor.
If this isn’t a TTS costume, I don’t know what is. This takes the phrase “teacher’s pet” to a whole new level. Bonus points if you can get a selfie with them while in your look-alike garb.
6. Show your chicken bowl pride.
Nothing says happiness like a Tuesday with chicken bowls. Show your enthusiasm for this dining hall staple by dressing in yellow, brown, white and tan, representing all the colors you find in this highly nutritious dish. You’re sure to be the talk of any costume party.
7. Put gum on yourself.
I know what you’re thinking … “Ew!” BUT, it’s an easy costume, and you’ll look exactly like the Gum Tree as long as you stand very still.
8. Dress like T-Pain.
Of course, this means something different to Trumanites. I’m not talking about the rapper, but our super rad University president, Troy Paino. Wear khakis and a sweater vest, hold yourself with an air of non-condescending superiority and you’ll be set.