Articles by Isaac Carmichael

True Men head to semifinals
Truman State University’s True Men acappella group will head to Bloomington, Indiana, March 25 to compete in the semifinals of the International Championship of Collegiate A Cappella. The announcement that True Men will advance to […]

Take Root Cafe: Giving Back Despite the Odds
The outside of Take Root Cafe is quite unassuming. Three words have been stuck on the window: People. Planet. Community. From the outside of the building potted patrons can see potted plants on the inside. […]

Truman State SDS Protests Inauguration
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Communication department enhances scholarship
The Truman State communication department attempts to enhance one of many low-threshold foundation scholarships that have not received funding in several years. As part of its annual Communication Week, the communication department hosted a series […]

History department honors centennial of WWI
With the World War I film series soon to close, the Truman State history department commemorates the centennial of the “great war.” The series, which began Sept. 10 with the airing of 1969’s “Oh What […]