At Home & Abroad

Truman Alum Matt Null Dies Abroad

September 29, 2016

“What I like to tell myself, and it sounds crazy, is that his heart was just too big for his little body.” This was one of the many praises Kirksville citizen Derick Garr had to […]

At Home & Abroad

Walls Down and Hearts Open

September 25, 2016

I may have only been packing for a week in advance, but I had been waiting for the past six years to be reunited in México with my best friend, Andrea De’ Orta. Andrea had […]

At Home & Abroad

Navigating the Streets of Montevideo

September 10, 2016

Walking to the Universidad Católica on my first day of school, I prepared for my journey like a backpacker set to travel across the country. As a person who is directionally challenged, I was armed […]

At Home & Abroad

Detours Magazine Event of the Week: Festival of Nations

August 28, 2016

Event: Festival of Nations When: August 27-28, 2016 Location: Tower Grove Park, 4256 Magnolia Avenue, St. Louis, MO 63110 Who: Food lovers, international culture enthusiasts Cost: Free   Prep your chopsticks, break out your best […]

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At Home & Abroad

Study Abroad Bloggers: Profiles

August 25, 2016

This semester’s study abroad bloggers are Nadine Peterson, Molly Turner and MacKenna Palazza. They will be reporting back to the Truman Media Network about their experiences in Uruguay, Mexico and Finland. Read their bios and […]

At Home & Abroad

The Kindness of a Stranger

April 20, 2016

Becoming lost is stressful enough, but becoming lost in a country where you cannot understand a single word and no one seems to speak your native tongue brings “stress” to a whole new level. About […]

At Home & Abroad

Catholicism Here and at Home

April 7, 2016

Throughout my life my Catholic faith has been a constant, so when I arrived in Angers it was important to me that I find a church that I liked. I didn’t think that this would […]

At Home & Abroad

Sports: The Austrian Way

March 14, 2016

Growing up, I had always played sports, whether it be diving for the community swim and dive team, shooting baskets or hitting balls for my local school district’s athletic association. I found a love for […]

At Home & Abroad


February 22, 2016

Many college students dream of a time when all of their classes will be canceled so they can enjoy a little time to themselves, but rarely does that ever happen. This week, that dream became […]

At Home & Abroad

Picky Eating and a Language Barrier

February 8, 2016

Upon arriving in Graz, I was beyond hungry. Fifteen hours of hunger mixed with airplane “food” left me in dire need of an appetizing meal. After settling in at my flat, I decided to go […]

At Home & Abroad

A Week of Firsts

January 29, 2016

Little in my life has changed in the last year or so. I’ve had the same friends, the same routine and ate all the same foods at the usual places. All of that changed during […]