Letters to the Editor

Letter to the Editor: What’s your plan, Rep. Graves?

February 23, 2018

“Show us and fight to pass a plan that works to save 20,000 lives a year, and I will be a liberal Democrat out there urging voters to support you at every campaign rally from Palmyra to Platte City,” writes Missouri Hall Director Zac Burden in a Letter to the Editor. […]


Don’t form opinions based on sound bites

February 22, 2018

“Posts about the address racked up dozens of shares and retweets, as well as paragraphs-long analyses on Facebook,” writes Nicolas Telep, news text editor for The Index.

“This surprised me because I could count fewer than 10 students at the address who were not part of Student Government.” […]


Caffeine does more harm than good

February 11, 2018

“I realized I had a caffeine problem coming out of last semester’s finals,” writes Morgan Gervais, The Index’s opinions editor. “I would go days without sleep because I was living on caffeine pills and energy drinks.” […]


Media Isn’t Perfect

September 5, 2017

“This show sucks.” I read about my favorite show, and my fingers already began typing a response as I keep reading. “It doesn’t respect its own female characters, and the plot has bad pacing!” I […]

No Picture

College Changes Habits

February 22, 2017

In high school, fashion is everything — at least from the high school I attended. Your diet is also somewhat manageable in those days. High school was a lot of people’s glory days. When you […]