Feature writer bids farewell

Just yesterday I felt the heavy pressure of Truman State University perch on my shoulders. Every day was a weighted trudge from class to class. From the short treks to Violette Hall to the long ventures to Barnett Hall, I pushed on. For what it’s worth, I grew stronger, as we all did. Rolling along I learned and grew more as a person. Every day was its own struggle to triumph, yesterday was another lesson.

Each memory I’ve made is precious. Previously, I was a young man with social issues. Standing here now I can happily say Truman helped me grow up. Through each and every trial Truman has tossed my way, I attacked it all. Even through all the stress, finances and personal matters. I made it. Now I have to say goodbye.

Don’t let anyone steer you. I let people do that my whole life. Doing things others want you to accomplish leads to anguish and harsh expectations. Now you can choose. Today is the only time.

Kindle the fire of your imagination. Invigorate yourself with curiosity. Love one another. Let yourself be happy and find the strength to move on.

However much time it might take, we can make it. I, unfortunately, am looking at the end of my own time at the University. My only regret lies in what I didn’t do rather than the choices I made. So, I wish you all the best with these brief messages. Every second is precious. Love yourself as you would your partner. Finally, seek the strength to forgive those around you and yourself.