Looking forward to a new year

I applied to work at the Index before I even got to campus, that’s how excited I was. Later talking to the managing editor, she said, “Oh, so you’re the one that applied over the summer.” Oops. 

I actually thought I was doing a terrible job at first. I had trouble getting sources, meeting deadlines, etc. I thought maybe it would be better if I just quit. But then my editor, Rachel Becker, told me I should apply for the editorial board. 

So I did. And the rest is pretty much history. I could not be more thrilled to be taking over the position of Editor-in-Chief this year. I’ve loved working at the Index. 

From late nights laughing in the newsroom to early morning paper distribution, I’ve built a community at the Index that I truly cherish. 

Beyond being a fun environment, I’ve learned an incredible amount about our campus and city. I’ve had the opportunity to meet so many people who have a hand in shaping our city, from people in high positions of power to local business owners and families. 

I’ve also learned a lot more from students on campus. The range of ideas and opinions on this campus has been really insightful. It’s always eye-opening to hear about the range of issues facing other students here, and I’m grateful for each person who has chosen to share their story with me. I’m honored to be able to share these stories, and hope it’s able to bring about some change. 

Thank you to former Editor-in-Chief Rachel, for all the guidance and encouragement, and thank you to Ryan, the EIC before her, for your help while you were here and even after you left. 

I am so grateful to all the people who have made the Index what it is and have made it such a great place of learning. Thank you to everyone who has encouraged me. Thank you to my staff for all the great work you have done so far, I’m looking forward to a great year. 

Thanks to the University and communication department for continuing to support the Index and student media as a whole. Thank you to our advisers Don, and David Price, for all the time invested and help you have provided.

This year, I want to continue to learn more, and share that with you, the community. I’m passionate about bringing to light important information and portraying that accurately. I’m passionate about keeping accountable those in positions of power and relaying the stories of those whose voices are not often heard. Here’s to a great year!