
Our View: Don’t allow Truman to be high school 2.0

December 10, 2018

Think about the classes you took in high school. If your high school was like the standard American high school, your classes only surveyed a topic’s surface and had names like “Biology 1,” “U.S. History” or “English A.” Your curriculum probably did not feature specialized study opportunities like SOAN 452: Social Dimensions of Health and Illness or PSYC 430: Psychopharmacology: Drugs and Behavior, two actual classes offered at Truman State University next semester. While high schools provide foundational knowledge, colleges are supposed to provide a more specialized education, which translates to a greater wealth of intelligence and greater self-marketability upon graduation. […]


Truman needs to differentiate B.S. and B.A.

November 17, 2018

No one at The Index was quite sure what to make of the news that a Bachelor of Science degree had been created for the philosophy and religion major. When deciding on a degree, the vast majority of students at any university are given a choice between two options: a Bachelor of Arts or a Bachelor of Science. At Truman State University, the options exist in many majors with little distinction between the degrees. […]


Missouri passes Amendment 4

November 7, 2018

Missouri voters passed Amendment 4 with 52.367 percent of the vote, electing to tweak Bingo rules across the states. Voters in Adair County voted to block Amendment 4 with 4,059 votes, 50.25 percent of the […]